I've been really nostogic lately so I'm going to make a blog, containing every year of my school education, something significant that happened in that year and/or something that I learned from it.
So here it goes:
Preschool, kinda funny I don't even remember those days. Just from stories and projects that I have from that year. I do or well used to have a mother's day card that I never gave my mom. We were instructed to decorate the card and on the inside it had a few typed sentences:
My mom is_____ years old.
I love her because_______.
It looked something like that. The only reason I really remember this incident is because my mother always used to tell me about it. You're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about.
In the card I wrote that my mom was 87 years old, when in actuality she was only about 32 at the time.
Hey I was only 5 at the time, how was I to know better?
Van Meter Community School District ....when it was still a small district... Now, we hardly have room anymore! |
Kindergarten has its ups and downs. My father passed away in November, three months in to my first year of actual school. I had to miss my friend Tessa's birthday party in order to go to my funeral. I brought her present to school and remember having to tell her that I couldn't go to her birthday party because I had to go to my dad's funeral. I even remember what I got her too. It was a cheap coloring book, some crayons and some glittery thing. Maybe it was one of those pen things. I'm not sure.
So I attended my dad's funeral.
Lets see, another more pleasant memory of Kindergarten.... well there was the time at recess where we (my friend Tessa and I) had found someones schedule, and pretended that it was a treasure map. We spent the entire recess hunting for a treasure that we would never find. Her and I did alot of things together. We were inseparable, until she moved away.
Something else about my Kindergarten year. The june before school started my younger cousin Skyler was born.
I'm actually not in this picture but if you see the girl in the bright yellow shirt looking like she's going to attack something... thats my friend Sarah:) Her and I have been through a heck of a lot together. |
First Grade
Mrs.Dawson's class, gotta love that old lady. She was the same first grade teacher for my cousin Amanda, whos 9 years older then me so Mrs. Dawson was pretty old. She more of a grandmotherly lady.Everyone loved her.
The main thing I remember about first grade was sitting on the side lines during recess with Sarah while she sometimes cried over the warts on her hands.
My cousin Amanda, and others at her graduation party. |
Second Grade
If I remember correctly second grade was the year that my cousin Amanda graduated. It was the first graduation for all of us five kids. I remember going to her graduation, seeing her walk down the aisle and wonder what'd it be like to do that some day.
Afterwards, we went back to the house and celebrated her graduation. We were playing volleyball and croquet in the back yard, spending time together and congratulating my cousin. Graduation was a new thing to my aunt and uncle, since Amanda was their first child.
Third GradeThird grade was the year of making and loosing friends. I was actually popular, a term that was practically worshiped in 3rd grade. I shared a locker that was in the class room and classes weren't so much about learning to us as students,it was more of knowing who was whos friend and etc. Thats when things started to get drama filled.
Fourth Grade
My fourth grade year, I was an active participant in Jump Rope for Heart. It also turned out that the instructor for Jump Rope for heart was Ms.Holbrook, a strange and strict teacher. I never cared much for her, since she always scared me.
Fifth Grade
Fith grade was fifth grade, it was just another year in school. However we were starting to get to the "time to grow up" stage. Life was alright, I still didn't want to grow up though.
Sixth Grade
Sixth grade was an eventful year. We were upstairs for the first time in our entire time that we attended school. The halls were crowded and this were different. We had a schedule to go by and were expected to be responsible.
Thats the main basis of my elementary years.
So,blogger readers of mine, do you have any memories from elementary?
If so feel free to comment below!:)